A Fractured Mind: My Life with Multiple Personality Disorder
A General Theory of Love
A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America
A Secure Base: Parent-Child Attachment and Healthy Human Development
A Treatise of Human Nature
Addiction to Perfection (Studies in Jungian Psychology)
Anatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy
Anger, Madness and the Daimonic: The Paradoxical Power of Rage in Violence, Evil and Creativity
Anxiety: The Missing Stage of Grief: A Revolutionary Approach to Understanding and Healing the Impact of Loss
Archetypal Psychology (Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman Book 1)
Aspects of the Feminine
Aspects of the Masculine
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 42)
Avalanche: Heretical Reflections on the Dark and the Light
Awakening Woman (Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts, 101)
Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life
Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home
Betwixt and Between: Patterns of Masculine and Feminine Initiation
Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole
Blake, Jung, and the Collective Unconscious: The Conflict Between Reason and Imagination (The Jung on the Hudson Book series)
Body-Centered Psychotherapy
By Marie-Louise Von Franz Projection and Re-Collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul (Reality of the Psyche S
Case Studies in Psychotherapy