Awakening the Energies of Love: Discovering Fire for the Second Time, 2nd Edition
Author: Hillman, Anne
Brand: Bramble Books
Edition: 2nd Edition
Number Of Pages: 386
Details: Product Description An entirely new Intelligence has been blinking in and out of human existence for thousands of years. This astonishing gift has emerged from the immense creativity of the universe and is now becoming stabilized in increasing numbers of people the world over. I call it the emergent consciousness of Love. Such a consciousness is not a different way of thinking; it is a radically different orientation—to everything. Our work is to cooperate with it. This is not a self-help book. Nor is it a book about religion. It is an experiential inquiry into a consciousness of Love that honors all persons and all spiritual paths. If you love Life—all of life; if your intention is to serve Love, whatever it asks of you, Awakening the Energies of Love will help prepare you for its power and provide a pathway into the most significant transformation humanity has ever undergone. The thread that runs through the book and ties it together is story: personal, collective, and cosmic. These interwoven stories bring to life and create a hearth for the New Story inspired by Teilhard de Chardin, developed by Thomas Berry and Brian Swimme, and which continues to evolve. In a sense, it’s a story that, until now, has been told only in part: through geology, anthropology, physiology, psychology, archeology, architecture, and religion. Together, these disciplines are like tributaries feeding a great river of human knowledge summarized in the first half of the book: The Known. But to be complete, the New Story requires the fundamental change of mind and heart that comes with the inexpressible gift of awakening to the energies of Love. This begins the focus of the second half of the book, The Unknown. The remaining chapters explore the qualities and the consequences of living with the kind of love, compassion, and truth illuminated by the world’s great spiritual masters of every era—and to learn what Teilhard meant when he wrote, “for the second time in the history of the world, humanity will have discovered Fire.” Review Few of us know what it is to be claimed by Love, not as an obsessionwith another, but taken hold of, shaken, brought to our knees in awe and gratitude, and eventually strengthened. This is love as Fire, and thecore of what this book is about. From the Foreword by RICHARD MOSS, MD The Mandala of Being and The Second Miracle Anne Hillman completes Teilhard de Chardin's work by providing the nextstep--a pathway into the most significant transformation humanity hasever undergone. She shows how what he called the energies of Love canignite us and, once we have caught fire, how to embody its "200,000 volts" in our lives. BRIAN SWIMME, PhD The Universe Story with ThomasBerry and The Powers of the Universe About the Author Since 1978, Anne Hillman has continued to develop and teach a contemporary philosophy of consciousness that can contribute to fundamental changes in individuals and their cultures. She mentors individuals and groups who are serious about deepening a mature spirituality, and her books are opportunities to go beyond existing personal and cultural perspectives--an invitation into a larger embrace. Inspired by Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry during a year of postgraduate study in 1987, Anne's work turned to serving the critical needs of the community of life on Earth, and has focused on the radical transformation required for Homo sapiens to adapt. To that end, she has led experiential learning groups and retreats in the US, Australia, and Canada about the essential inner preparation for the emergent consciousness of Love. Educated at Smith College, Anne was originally a classical musician, choral director, and singer. Widowed early in life with two young children, she was offered one of the first Radcliffe Institute fellowships for part-time graduate study in 1970, and received a master's degree in adult learning and organization development from Boston University. She worked as a consultant and for twenty
Release Date: 15-01-2016
Package Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.0 x 1.3 inches
Languages: English