Vitamin C: The Real Story, the Remarkable and Controversial Healing Factor

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Author: Steve Hickey

Brand: Basic Health Publications, Inc.

Edition: 1st Editon


  • Used Book in Good Condition

Number Of Pages: 192

Details: Product Description Research into vitamin C is progressing rapidly despite a lack of funding from conventional medicine into its clinical applications. Orthomolecular medicine, which uses nutrients in large doses to treat disease, is regarded as highly controversial by the medical establishment. This rejection of the orthomolecular approach has little basis in science and reflects a bias at the heart of the status quo. This book tells the story of how the controversy about vitamin C has grown and continues while the increasing evidence demonstrates the value of the orthomolecular approach. The story of vitamin C is an exciting journey into the workings of science and medicine, the intrigues of political economic influences, and the evolutionary history of humankind. Someday, medicine without vitamin C therapy will be compared to childbirth without sanitation or surgery without anesthetic. In this book, - You will see that mega doses of vitamin C have proven to be an effective antibiotic, a nontoxic anticancer agent, and also a treatment for heart disease. - We explain the real reasons behind conventional medicine's rejection of vitamin C therapy. - You'll meet the pioneers of vitamin C research, who often faced great resistance in their advocacy for the health benefits of this nutrient. Vitamin C is a simple molecule with powerful effects. If you want to be healthy, you should take enough vitamin C. After reading this book, you will know why. . .  and how much. Review The central debate regarding vitamin C usage is optimal intake. Clinicians have witnessed the extraordinary results effected by much higher doses. The authors explain the ins and outs of vitamin C absorption (demonstrating the need not just for high doses but also divided dosages), detailing the forms of vitamin C, and debunking warnings about potential side effects. Vitamin C: The Real Story is a timely and valuable clarion call that cuts through misleading blather and making a strong case for the orthomolecular use of vitamin C. (Townsend Letter) "Readers of this book will learn to distinguish the true facts about vitamin C from false factoids. Steve Hickey, PhD and Andrew Saul, PhD present the facts clearly and carefully. Their fascinating book presents some truly remarkable discoveries, introduces us to vitamin C's multiple health-maintaining functions, and outlines its health-restoring capabilities." (Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine) About the Author Steve Hickey has a B.A. (math and science) from the Open University, membership of the Institute of Biology by examination in pharmacology, and is a chartered biologist and a former member of the British Compute Society. He did research into ultra-high-resolution computerized tomography (CT) body scanning, leading the physics team in Europe's first clinical magnetic resonance (MR) imaging unit at Manchester Medical School. He has over 100 scientific publications, covering a variety of disciplines. Currently, he is a member of the biology department of Staffordshire University. Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D., has over thirty-five years of experience in natural health education. He is editor-in-chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and on the editorial board of the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. He is the author of Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing that Works, and Fire Your Doctor! How to Be Independently Healthy. His popular, peer-reviewed, non-commercial natural healing website is

Release Date: 23-10-2015

Package Dimensions: 8.9 x 6.0 x 0.6 inches

Languages: English