Tao Te Ching: Text Only Edition
Tao Te Ching: With Over 150 Photographs by Jane English
The Twenty Minute Break: Reduce Stress, Maximize Performance, Improve Health and Emotional Well-Being Using the New Science of Ultradian Rhythms
The Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds (Routledge Classics)
Reinhabiting Reality: Towards A Recovery Of Culture (Suny Series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics)
For Love of Matter: A Contemporary Panpsychism (Suny Series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics)
Portrait of the Blue Lady: The Character of Melancholy (Paperback)
The Subject Tonight Is Love: 60 Wild and Sweet Poems of Hafiz (Compass)
Offering from the Conscious Body: The Discipline of Authentic Movement
Tao Te Ching (Translated with commentary by James Legge)
The Path of Relationship: The Life and Work of Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone
The Science of Knowledge: With the First and Second Introductions (Texts in German Philosophy)
Heal Your Body
Mental: Lithium, Love, and Losing My Mind
YinYang Bipolar Relativity: A Unifying Theory of Nature, Agents and Causality with Applications in Quantum Computing, Cognitive Informatics and Life Sciences
The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 1: Books 1-2
Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom (Suny Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
The Gift of Death (Religion and Postmodernism)
Sirius: a fantasy of love and discord
Star Maker
A Strange Loop
The Bridge between Matter & Spirit Is Matter Becoming Spirit: The Arcology of Paolo Soleri
The Book of Five Rings