A Long Goodbye (Region A Blu-ray) (English & Chinese Subtitled) Japanese movie aka Nagai Owakare / 漫長的告別
Format: Blu-ray
Genre: Foreign
Publisher: CN Entertainment Ltd. (HK)
Details: (Region A Blu-ray) Language: Japanese / Subtitles: English, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文字幕, Simplified Chinese 簡體中文字幕 / Synopsis: A party was held for the 70th birthday of their father, Shohei. What was told to his daughters, who haven't all gathered together for a long time, is the fact that their strict father had contracted dementia. While being confused about the situation of their father losing his memory day after day, the family members reconsider their own situation by facing that reality. One day, the family members learn that a "lovely memory" that everyone in their family had forgotten, is still living in Shohei. 年邁父親昇平(山﨑努 飾)患上認知障礙症後,母親曜子(松原智惠子 飾)對丈夫不離不棄努力維繫著家庭。他們的兩個女兒,長女麻里(竹內結子 飾)因為丈夫工作關係,和兒子崇(蒲田優惟人 飾)一起移居美國,難以習慣異地生活,與丈夫兒子關係亦漸淡如水; 次女芙美(蒼井優 飾)身邊人兜兜轉轉,為圓開餐廳夢勞勞碌碌。一家人各有煩惱,但在陪伴父親的最後七年時光,讓她們重新感受親情,從而改變了人生,告別是漫長的,回憶退色,愛仍存心中。
EAN: 4895154916538
Languages: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese