Being and Time (Harper Perennial Modern Thought)
Author: Heidegger, Martin
Brand: Harper Perennial
Edition: Reprint
- Harper Perennial
Number Of Pages: 608
Details: Product Description “Being and Time changed the course of philosophy.” —Richard Rorty, New York Times Book Review “Heidegger’s masterwork.” —The Economist "What is the meaning of being?" This is the central question of Martin Heidegger's profoundly important work, in which the great philosopher seeks to explain the basic problems of existence. This first paperback edition of John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson's definitive translation also features a foreword by Heidegger scholar Taylor Carman. A central influence on later philosophy, literature, art, and criticism—as well as existentialism and much of postmodern thought—Being and Time forever changed the intellectual map of the modern world. As Richard Rorty wrote in the New York Times Book Review, "You cannot read most of the important thinkers of recent times without taking Heidegger's thought into account." Review “Powerful and original . . . Being and Time changed the course of philosophy.” -- Richard Rorty, New York Times Book Review “Possibly the greatest Western philosopher since Hegel . . . Heidegger’s greatest work.” -- The Guardian “Heidegger’s masterwork” -- The Economist From the Back Cover "What is the meaning of being?" This is the central question of Martin Heidegger's profoundly important work, in which the great philosopher seeks to explain the basic problems of existence. A central influence on later philosophy, literature, art, and criticism—as well as existentialism and much of postmodern thought—Being and Time forever changed the intellectual map of the modern world. As Richard Rorty wrote in the New York Times Book Review, "You cannot read most of the important thinkers of recent times without taking Heidegger's thought into account." This first paperback edition of John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson's definitive translation also features a new foreword by Heidegger scholar Taylor Carman. About the Author Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) was born in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. He studied at the University of Freiburg and became a professor at the University of Marburg in 1932. After publishing his his magnum opus, Being and Time (1927), he returned to Freiburg to assume the chair of philosophy upon Husserl's retirement. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Being and Time By Martin Heidegger HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. Copyright © 2008 Martin HeideggerAll right reserved. ISBN: 9780061575594 Chapter One Exposition of the Task of a Preparatory Analysis of Dasein The Theme of the Analytic of Dasein We are ourselves the entities to be analysed. The Being of any such entity is in each case mine. These entities, in their Being, comport themselves towards their Being. As entities with such Being, they are delivered over to their own Being. Being is that which is an issue for every such entity. This way of characterizing Dasein has a double consequence: I. The 'essence' ["Wesen"] of this entity lies in its "to be" [Zu-sein]. Its Being-what-it-is [Was-sein] (essentia) must, so far as we can speak of it at all, be conceived in terms of its Being (existentia). But here our ontological task is to show that when we choose to designate the Being of this entity as "existence" [Existenz], this term does not and cannot have the ontological signification of the traditional term "existentia"; ontologically, existentia is tantamount to Being-present-at-hand, a kind of Being which is essentially inappropriate to entities of Dasein's character. To avoid getting bewildered, we shall always use the Interpretative expression "presence-at-hand" for the term "existentia", while the term "existence", as a designation of Being, will be allotted solely to Dasein. The 'essence' of Dasein lies in its existence. Accordingly those characteristics which can be exhibited in this entity are not 'properties' present-at-hand of some entity which 'looks' so and so and is itself present-at-hand; they are in each ca
EAN: 9780061575594
Release Date: 22-07-2008
Package Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.7 x 1.3 inches
Languages: English